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We are a group of dynamic individuals coming from all walks of life. Some of us are data savvy while others are experts in business processes. Yet it is our differences that unify us to achieve the single most important goal: to develop and strengthen a data-informed, evidence-based decision making culture in the University.
The Team
Dr Alison Lloyd ::alisonlloyd@ust.hk::
Associate Provost (Institutional Data and Research)
Fanny Fan ::fannyfan@ust.hk::
Anson Wun ::anson.wun@ust.hk::
Assistant Director
Shirley Lam ::shirleylam@ust.hk::
Head (Risk Management)
Helen Moon ::helenmoon@ust.hk::
Head (Impact)
Vivian Cheng ::viviancheng@ust.hk::
Manager (Institutional Data)
Crystal Lai ::crystallai@ust.hk::
Manager (Institutional Effectiveness and Engagement)
Horry Pong ::horry.pong@ust.hk::
Assistant Manager (Data Engineering)
Celia Tong ::celiatong@ust.hk::
Assistant Manager (Data Analytics)
Cindy Hui ::cindyhui@ust.hk::
Ivy Li ::ivyli@ust.hk::
Assistant Officer
Learn. Share. Grow.
Our team advocates reaching out and working smart. While the work of IR professionals are similar, we all contribute in unique ways to our respective higher-education sector and ecosystem. As a team we actively participate in international forums and groups that let us to exchange ideas and best practices with fellow IR colleagues. Please connect if you would like to share and learn from each other.